Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Localization !!!

This had been a long weekend in Coimbatore with family, friends, lots of IPL (Indian to International premier league) and hot election campaigns. The last one made me think a bit. This election is to decide the fate of the nation for another 5 years, even though we know, what will ultimately happen, nothing really happens! With many NGOs’ campaigning for, the nation of the billion to vote at least, a half. That’s a very good sign.

Hmmm… the central point for this topic that I want to discuss is about the state of politics as such. For convince, I have taken Tamil Nadu, but I guess you can take any state, the current scenario might be the same. What has happened, what’s happening now? Little bit of history… (Take a tortoise mat, keep it parallel, gap not more than 1 foot, and rotate it in anti-clockwise direction)

In 60’s the Dravidian party raise in power with the language war as the main theme, creating a separate identity as a state (in general in N-India (out of TN), who ever doesn’t speak Hindi is a Tamilian or a foreigner), sending the congress party out of power once for all.[Lots and lots of controversy involved, I may not be correct too…But I feel it has benefited the people of the state.] This creation of identity in 60’s was only based on language and feel of Dravidian. The parties had clear agenda and vision for the state as whole. I call this phase of 60’s as localization I.

The second phase started in end of 80’s to mid of 90’s with congress having lots of flavor like ice cream within the party (its parties, oops!!!), even the same case with the Dravidian parties and the raise of small caste based parties into power. This phase had not impacted much; they have done their best to splitting the vote.

The current political scenario is pathetic (no better word). Thanks to new born caste based parties in this millennium, which have worsen the situation. Lots of new caste based parties, the old communal parties are having good hold on their vote banks, and this is the third localization. Each and every caste have their own party and own candidate, being lined up for the war 09. In future, we might have a hung constituency where, with few candidates’ support one candidate will be selected; too much localization (hmm...may be “coalition localization”)

1. I have not considered communist into consideration, since they are global party …

Full sleeper

Amazing, isnt it! Just thought about the Aricent training days, when professor Rao told “Indians are best known for compression, in a bus of 50 we travel around 200, we are 4 times better in compression than any other country. When I booked my ticket from Coimbatore to Bangalore in a travels, I asked for semi sleeper seat, but they offered a full sleeper which is cheaper than that of semi sleeper. I was surprised and asked for any hidden charges but they replied, “Nothing as such sir”. But even nothing sounded fishy, since no where I got a seat I accepted it with a smile. As I boarded the bus, the cleaner (mini driver or asst driver, when driver sleeps he takes care of drivers’ sleep ;)) pointed a finger to the roof in the bus, I thought he is pointed me to keep my luggage, but, finally I understood he asked me to board on the top! (Close to a space like air conditioner duct). Oofff, full sleeper! Even with that stunner I was happy that the bed was sufficient enough for me to roll and had space for luggage. I wondered how they identified this as a potential space, thanks to Prof. Rao who made it easy for me to understand. The cleaner stuck again with a stunner, showing another man the same bed. This was unexpected. Ohh god, I have to share my bed with a stranger, that too a guy (too much of a thought). I was expecting that the guy should not snore, should not roll, should not talk in phone, I expected him to sleep like a ___ on the bed without disturbing. But, that nice guy got in, started talking in phone in a language which I can’t map, that’s good for me as I always slept in fans’ noise, it sounded the same. In minutes he kept the phone and slept in seconds. Thanks god, he didn’t disturb me at all, me too.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Human Catastrophe

Election Day, a must holiday, didn’t vote since I have my electoral card in my native city waiting for my chance to vote. Anyways, that’s not the topic I want to write, its politics! I got up for the day with a message from my friend. The message goes like this,

“Our Prime Minister Mr. Singh when met France prime-minister he discussed about the Sikhs issue about turban*, which is a religious sentiment. But, why he is not meeting Mr. Rajapaksa (pardon me for that Mr., I have to maintain my dignity) to discuss about the Tamilian issue, a human catastrophe. Is the religious sentiment more that human life?”

I was puzzled with this message and started wondering about it. Its so coincidence that the same day, its bandh in Tamilnadu. I know that it’s a liberation group working for a separate Tamil Eelam, with a gun in their hands. I don’t comment on the method of struggle or their ideology. I always wondered what else can be done. To check with history, it was ruled by British, another British touch (they touched badly). It was ruled as a separate state for each of the two different ethnic groups, namely the Sinhala and Tamilian. The post independence is a mess-up history which everyone knows. I had few queries concerning this issue.

1. Why the police of the state, the Americans are silent in this issue. For news media, Secretary of state just sent a message “we condemn this massacre”. Why they didn’t force any action against this human catastrophe. I wonder if Srilanka would have had some amount of crude oil this issue would have been solved by the international community, but they just have tea.

2. The united (sleeping) organization, the UN is just became a dummy organization (like our president, thanks to Mr. Kalam, who had back-bone), works as a re-transmitter centre for American voice. I do appreciate that many other NGO and humanity organization are helping the people in need. But the powerful, resourceful UN keeps shut for most of the issue, like Palestine, Pakistan etc. I feel it always works for the rich nations. Do we really need such an organization? Let’s hope, UN to work in full force in days to come.

3. In the name of srilankan-tamilian issue, the election campaigns are set. This is not a political issue! It’s about million people’s life in that tiny island. Please stop this speeches do some thing useful, send food, medication, drugs and people, help the island rather that just talking. The politician should stop treating this as an election issue.

4. Why to blame external ministry/minister he can’t even get some information from Pakistan in the 26/11 attack even though the whole world knows it was done by Pakistan based terrorist group. He is just a spokes person goes to media and says, “international community is watching Pakistan they need to act now”. Its bullshit, just giving statement, now he is working for his own Lok Shaba seat. Don’t blame there is no point. Another interesting point to note, he (external affairs ministry) can’t even get something done from Srilanka (a small island, economically, politically, arms vice), will he be able to do something done from Pakistan, I don’t think so.

Think, nothing can be done from our side (India); we can send some medicine (from govt. hospital), food, some money (if something left in the treasury, since we have literally waived everything for the past 5 years).

Lets pray that, they all should survive and have better living in the coming years. Else born in a peaceful world, in next birth may be some other planet, else may be not, humans.

May their souls rest in Peace

Note: * - I don’t know much about the turban issue, may be its related to helmet, like in Canada.