Thursday, April 23, 2009

Human Catastrophe

Election Day, a must holiday, didn’t vote since I have my electoral card in my native city waiting for my chance to vote. Anyways, that’s not the topic I want to write, its politics! I got up for the day with a message from my friend. The message goes like this,

“Our Prime Minister Mr. Singh when met France prime-minister he discussed about the Sikhs issue about turban*, which is a religious sentiment. But, why he is not meeting Mr. Rajapaksa (pardon me for that Mr., I have to maintain my dignity) to discuss about the Tamilian issue, a human catastrophe. Is the religious sentiment more that human life?”

I was puzzled with this message and started wondering about it. Its so coincidence that the same day, its bandh in Tamilnadu. I know that it’s a liberation group working for a separate Tamil Eelam, with a gun in their hands. I don’t comment on the method of struggle or their ideology. I always wondered what else can be done. To check with history, it was ruled by British, another British touch (they touched badly). It was ruled as a separate state for each of the two different ethnic groups, namely the Sinhala and Tamilian. The post independence is a mess-up history which everyone knows. I had few queries concerning this issue.

1. Why the police of the state, the Americans are silent in this issue. For news media, Secretary of state just sent a message “we condemn this massacre”. Why they didn’t force any action against this human catastrophe. I wonder if Srilanka would have had some amount of crude oil this issue would have been solved by the international community, but they just have tea.

2. The united (sleeping) organization, the UN is just became a dummy organization (like our president, thanks to Mr. Kalam, who had back-bone), works as a re-transmitter centre for American voice. I do appreciate that many other NGO and humanity organization are helping the people in need. But the powerful, resourceful UN keeps shut for most of the issue, like Palestine, Pakistan etc. I feel it always works for the rich nations. Do we really need such an organization? Let’s hope, UN to work in full force in days to come.

3. In the name of srilankan-tamilian issue, the election campaigns are set. This is not a political issue! It’s about million people’s life in that tiny island. Please stop this speeches do some thing useful, send food, medication, drugs and people, help the island rather that just talking. The politician should stop treating this as an election issue.

4. Why to blame external ministry/minister he can’t even get some information from Pakistan in the 26/11 attack even though the whole world knows it was done by Pakistan based terrorist group. He is just a spokes person goes to media and says, “international community is watching Pakistan they need to act now”. Its bullshit, just giving statement, now he is working for his own Lok Shaba seat. Don’t blame there is no point. Another interesting point to note, he (external affairs ministry) can’t even get something done from Srilanka (a small island, economically, politically, arms vice), will he be able to do something done from Pakistan, I don’t think so.

Think, nothing can be done from our side (India); we can send some medicine (from govt. hospital), food, some money (if something left in the treasury, since we have literally waived everything for the past 5 years).

Lets pray that, they all should survive and have better living in the coming years. Else born in a peaceful world, in next birth may be some other planet, else may be not, humans.

May their souls rest in Peace

Note: * - I don’t know much about the turban issue, may be its related to helmet, like in Canada.

1 comment:

Saptha said...

Homo Sapiens is good enough to kill itself. Sometimes I feel like the srilanka and the taliban land are the real hell came to earth. All the corrupt leaders should be sent to the war land in Srilanka.